Chinese Journal of International Law
the Chinese JIL and the National Key Research Center co-sponsor the following
awards and lectures:
Tieya Award and Wang Tieya Lecture
in Public International Law
Depei Award and Han Depei
Lecture in Private and Economic International Law
The Chinese Journal of
International Law and the National Key Research Center, Wuhan University
Institute of International Law have established the Wang Tieya
Award and Wang Tieya Lecture in Public International
Law and the Han Depei Award and Han Depei Lecture in Private and Economic International Law.
Normally each year an internationally recognized distinguished scholar, without
regard to nationality, will be elected as the recipient of the Wang Tieya Award and one as the recipient of the Han Depei Award. Each recipient will be invited to visit the
Wuhan University Institute of International Law to receive the Award and to
deliver a substantive lecture in his or her field, to be published in the
Chinese Journal of International Law. * The late Wang Tieya
was formerly a judge at the United Nations Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia, a distinguished professor of international law at Wuhan University
and subsequently Peking University, a President of the Chinese Society of
International Law, and a founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of
International Law. A member of the Institut de droit international and the World Academy of Art and
Science, Wang served as a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration and as
member in the Chinese delegation to a variety of diplomatic conferences. *
Professor Han Depei has been a distinguished
professor of private international law at Wuhan University. He is the founder
of the Wuhan University Institute of International Law, Wuhan University
Institute of Environmental Law and China Society of Private International Law.
He is an honorary President of the Chinese Society of International Law and the
China Society of Private International Law.
Financial support for this
project has been pledged by the National Key Research Center, Wuhan University
Institute of International Law, the New York-based law firm, SHENLAW, LLC led
by Dr. SHEN Jianming (申建明)
( and an anonymous donor.
Applications and/or nominations are invited before 1 May of each year for the
Awards to be given in the following year. An application or nomination should
contain a statement of five significant contributions by the candidate to his
or her field and a curriculum vitae, to be sent to the
Editor-in-Chief by email only at: <>. An Awards
Committee will be convened with complete discretion to select the recipients as
soon as possible. The previous Fellowship program was
discontinued as of October 2008.
The Recipients
of the Wang Tieya Award and their Wang Tieya Lectures
Ian Brownlie,
QC, 2009, The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes,
8 Chinese JIL (2009), 267-283.
Judge SHI Jiuyong, 2010, Maritime
Delimitation in the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice, 9
Chinese JIL (2010), 271-291.
Judge Mohamed Shahabuddeen, 2011,
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia: The Third Wang Tieya Lecture, 11
Chinese JIL (2012), 13-44.